Three Styles / Три стиля

Which style would you pick?  1. This elegant, reserved and light one:

Какой стиль выбрали бы вы? 1. Этот более лёгкий, элегантный и сдержанный: 1231348_521149267963064_1237459001_n1 d235f8181c7211e3b59422000a9f13f8_7

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I like these bowls that would look great in many different interiors.

Мне нравятся эти растительно-каменно-техномисочки, которые подойдут много к каким интерьерам.

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2. The edgy, somewhat space one:

2. Очень современный, почти космический: 2 freshome-Diamond House in Singapore

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3. Or this casual formal?

3. Или такой строгий рисковый кэжуал?3 MG9C7768 3 MG9C7775

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The outfits are from the Bibhu Mohapatra Spring 2014 collection.

Наряды из коллекции Bibhu Mohapatra Весна 2014. 

Photos via freshome,, bcarc,,, mocoloco, BibhuMohapatra

Monterey Bay Aquarium: Jellyfish and Seahorses / Медузы и морские коньки

I decided to give them a separate post because they are so beautiful.
The jellyfish was simply hypnotizing!

Я решила, что эти создания заслужили отдельный пост, настолько они необычайны и гипнотичны.

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A friend had told me how these guys were here favorite in the Aquarium.  They truly are adorable, but were moving so fast, that with the dying battery I couldn’t get a lot of good pictures.

Как раз перед нашей поездкой знакомая рассказала мне, что морские коньки – ее любимчики в этом аквариуме.  И я могу ее понять – они просто очаровательны.  Но, двигались бессовестные так быстро, что с умирающей батареей в камере мне не удалось сделать много приличных фото.

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Monterey Bay Aquarium

As we were buying out tickets, we heard an announcement about fish feeding in the Kelp Forest – at 28 feet, it is one of the tallest aquarium exhibits in the world!  We headed that way and managed to find a nice spot in the “first row”.

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Every day, 11:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. PST, you can watch a diver hand-feed sharks, fishes and other animals there.  This woman has been doing it for many years already.  She has a special microphone as part of her diving equipment and was able to tell us her story while being underwater!

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Great news for those who are not planning their visit to the Aquarium anytime soon: you can also watch the feeding live from anywhere in the world here!

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Look at these adorable young ducks.  They don’t seem to be afraid of the sharks that are only a foot below them.

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And then we entered this round-walled room where thousands Northern anchovies are going in a circle around you.

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Monterey Bay

After we had our lunch we started walking along the shore in the direction of the Monterey Aquarium.  It took us a while to get there for two reasons:  it’s not a very short walk, but it becomes even longer due to the beautiful view of the bay that makes you want to stop and marvel at it and then take pictures of it and of all the cute houses and little flowers everywhere around you.

IMG_3080 sw The couple was watching this friendly seal who didn’t mind posing for cameras while sunbathing.

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Steps before the Aquarium we saw these little houses – the dwellings of Japanese immigrants who started arriving to Monterey Bay in 1890s and were responsible for the advancement of abalone fishing there.  Through the windows you can see the very humble interiors and the fishermen’s everyday life objects.

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Monterey Bay

After we had our lunch we started walking along the shore in the direction of the Monterey Aquarium.  It took us a while to get there for two reasons:  it’s not a very short walk, but it becomes even longer due to the beautiful view of the bay that makes you want to stop and marvel at it and then take pictures of it and of all the cute houses and little flowers everywhere around you.

IMG_3080 sw The couple was watching this friendly seal who didn’t mind posing for cameras while sunbathing.

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Steps before the Aquarium we saw these little houses – the dwellings of Japanese immigrants who started arriving to Monterey Bay in 1890s and were responsible for the advancement of abalone fishing there.  Through the windows you can see the very humble interiors and the fishermen’s everyday life objects.

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Monterey Courtyards

During our weekend getaway to Monterey Bay (central coast of California, U.S.) we stayed at Hotel Pacific in Monterey.  The hotel has a beautiful lobby and very nice terraces, each room has its own terrace or balcony. The room itself was big, with a kitchen and a sitting area, but a little too rustic for my liking.  The complementary breakfast was bad. 

Here are some pictures I took on our way from the to the waterfront.

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IMG_3008 sw We stumbled upon this lovely Mission Revival courtyard with roses, tangerine trees and a little fountain with coy fish.
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Pictures of the Monterey Bay are coming soon!

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Monterey Courtyards

During our weekend getaway to Monterey Bay (central coast of California, U.S.) we stayed at Hotel Pacific in Monterey.  The hotel has a beautiful lobby and very nice terraces, each room has its own terrace or balcony. The room itself was big, with a kitchen and a sitting area, but a little too rustic for my liking.  The complementary breakfast was bad. 

Here are some pictures I took on our way from the to the waterfront.

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IMG_3008 sw We stumbled upon this lovely Mission Revival courtyard with roses, tangerine trees and a little fountain with coy fish.
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Pictures of the Monterey Bay are coming soon!

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